Friday, April 5, 2013

Need to get back on track.. all the way

It's been an odd week because I have been on track eating wise but not recording. I know that can get me into trouble so I will need to start up again. As soon as I finish lunch I'm going to record my days food.

The other bad thing is that I have not be going for my walks at night. I went monday night and that was it. Bad me. I will go tonight or tomorrow for sure!

The good news though is that my weight so far is down. Will hopefully still be down on monday when I weigh in but for now I'm pleased with my post vacation body and ways.

S's big plan to get healthy seems to already be a bust. He did not eat breakfast or lunch on wednesday and came home and ate 2 big dinners (steak etc) and then finished off with a large bowl of ice cream. I can't keep nagging him but it would be so much easier if we were all on the same page.

N has started his summer training schedule. He only works out in the summer because during the winter he is too busy on the ice etc. He started P90X on monday and texted me this morning to say that he thinks he has pulled something in his forearm! Great... oh well, rest and ice. Well for today... he has 5 hours on the ice this weekend so not so much rest but he can lay off the weights for a few days.  Oh how we push our kids.. but in all honesty, he pushes himself. I wish I had 1/8th of his energy. He has a goal and is doing what he can to make that goal. We encourage him and provide him with the resources to do what he wants but it's all him!

Need to go pick up a bottle of wine. Will be first glass of wine since vegas!! I'm looking forward to this little indulgence tonight.

WI on monday - I'm excited.. I think it's going to be a very good number!


1 comment:

  1. Yay to seeing positives on the scale and in what you are doing. ANd kudos for recognizing that you need to track in order to STAY on track! :-)
