Monday, April 8, 2013

Finally feels like spring and WI Monday

It finally feels like spring.   It's been off and on warm/sunny/windy/rainy for the last few weeks but to me it finally feels like spring has arrived. No more boots or winter coats, it's all about going sockless and wearing light sweaters instead of jackets. That reminds me, I need to get a new white sweater! :)

The weekend was nice. Didn't get up to too much as they boys were busy with hockey and I was running around driving them from here to there and then back here again. But I love it. It gets me out of the house and keeps us all busy.  Next weekend will be busy because R is in a tournament and N still has practices but that is all good. Love the social time with the other families on the team.

Eating was ok this weekend. Had sushi and wine on friday which was lovely and then had a huge clubhouse sandwich on saturday late afternoon which tied me over saturday night. Watched the Canuck's game on saturday night and went to bed somewhat early.  Oddly, during my sleep on saturday night I woke up about 6 times throughout the night to pee. It was crazy.... Needless to say when I woke up on sunday morning I weighed myself and I was down to 194. SAY WHAT?!!!!!!!  That's a lot of pee.

Had a regular sunday eating wise and then made burritos for dinner last night. Official weigh in this morning was 196. I would have preferred the 194 but 196 is more realistic I guess. And that's down 2.5 from last week! Whooop... told ya it would be a good number.

Here's the kicker... my weight is ALWAYS lower on sunday than on monday. WHY? and should I change my WI day to be sunday??  I'm thinking I'll stick with monday cause  I would only end up seeing a higher number on monday and that would make me mad (I'm a daily weigher and I am PROUD of it! - nobody can take that away from me)

Anyhoo - onto this week. The really odd thing about losing the 2.5 this week was that I was AWFUL at tracking. AWFUL and I only went for one walk this week. How is it even possible that I lost weight??  Well I know that it was somewhat flukey so I'm going back to tracking fully this week.

Gonna go plan out my breakfast, lunch and dinner right now..

Happy Monday!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad warmer weather has come 'a knocking!

    I weigh regularly also. I recently changed my official weigh in day to Sunday...but I always weigh lower on Mondays.....I've debated switching to for thought!
