Sunday, April 3, 2011

Weekend, March recap and April "to do list"

This weekend was a busy weekend but it was an overall success eating wise. We did end up going to a dinner party on Saturday night at the local mexican restaurant but I behaved. I only had 2 drinks and chicken fajitas (which was the most healthy thing on the menu). I have not tracked since Wednesday and I do need to be better at that... more on that when I review this month's goals.

Onto March Goals:

1) Lose 8 lbs! FAIL

2) Start one exercise and do it 2 times a week YEAH BABY C25K!

3) Clean out portion of closet and donate clothes that are too big or too ugly! 1/2 accomplished this one. Did more today, but still have more to do.

4) Put aside $300 for N's Calgary trip in April.  DONE!

5) Take body measurements by end of month! FAIL = but this was because I did not lose the 8 lbs that I wanted to. Body measurements are at the 20 lb loss mark... have not yet reached that milestone!

 6) Buy new BRAS!! DONE - 2 nice new ones in a smaller band size... not cup size though - Doh!


April Goals:

1. Lose 5 lbs - As I only lost 2 lbs in March! That's an epic failure when it is put on paper. A lot of up and down all month. 5 lbs should be doable for April!

2. Continue with C25K and add another activity 

3. Track my points! 

4. Buy new underwear! :) 

5. TAXES... Blech 

6.  Take measurements - this should fall in line with lose 5 lbs

The first goal is a weekly goal of tracking each and everything thing. I've slacked off the last week or so because of spring break and not always being near a computer etc. But it's back to work and I should be better. I have slacked on my water and my veggie intake. Must get better at that too!

Oh - and I think I'll blog more. I see to be a bit more on track when I blog.. so... Until tomorrow??


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