Thursday, March 14, 2013

Week 3, Day 4

I'm not sure why my body has to do this funky game every month. It feels like everything I put into my body is just going to come out (instantly).. probably TMI but considering that this is more of an online journal than a broadcast, I think I'll write about it!

Take my coffee for example? Why did I drink it this morning? Should I have another cup, probably doesn't make much sense... but I will anways :)

It's a home day today. I'm working from home, but that also means that I can get some "home" things done.. like laundry, a bathroom or two and maybe even get a workout in. Actually, yes, get a workout in. I will do so at lunch!

I am itching to go for  walk again tonight as well. Been cooped up in the house for too many days. Went to he banquet last night and it was lovely. What a great group of boys, I wish them all the success in the world! And I hope they remember me when they become big NHL stars one day! :) Love you all

But I was a good girl with my food. It was a buffet so I had lots of veggies, salad with italian dressing, more veggies and about 1 cup or less of pasta with chicken and marinara.

I had 1/2 a cookie and a small bite of the caramel dessert. I have no idea how many points that turned out to be so I'll just call it a day with no overage.. I had 18 pts for the rest of the day anyways. Oh I did have 2 glasses of red too, well maybe I went over by just a bit...

So like I said, today is my back in the saddle get moving day. Tomorrow we have dinner out with friends but I know the restaurant so I can plan my meal accordingly. YAY! Good choices!

Todays goals:
1. Water
2. STay within pts
3. Workout and get steps in (4500)

That's it... that's enough!

Peace out!

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