Friday, March 15, 2013

Week 3, Day 5

Yesterday was a success at home. As much as I love working from home, I hate the temptations of working from home, in other words the fridge! I work in the dining room so the fridge is within smelling distance. But I did well

Goals from yesterday:
1. Water - CHECK
2. STay within pts - CHECK
3. Workout and get steps in (4500) - CHECK
Yesterday was a good day. Actually I was under my pts, which I don't like doing but at the same time I know I have a birthday dinner tonight so I will probably need some extra pts.

Good news is I'm not up yet this week and it's the hormonal week gain. So either it's coming still or I'm on track.. I'm still the same as I was on monday so I'll take that as a plus. My belly has been doing flip flops for the last two days which is typical so I know that it is ovulation time. Oh well, hoping that I see a loss on monday. I've been good.

Also starting to slowly put back items in MFP and run with MFP and WW simultaneiously. I want to track for the next few weeks how many calories I'm eating when I'm staying within my points. We will see what it ends up being.

Looking forward to a good but lazy weekend....

Goals for today:
1. Water
2. Limit to 2 glasses of wine!
3. Make wise choices with food at dinner

Next week I think I'll start adding some NSVs.... cause they perk a person up don't they??


1 comment:

  1. Keep pounding down the water...that will help keep the hormonal week increase on the scale at minimum!!!!!

    And YAY to all the "CHECK" on your goals for the day!
